The Mac Pro's not a pro at running games

 Apple products have always had a complex history when it came to being used as an option for gaming. A majority of the time, the Mac has never been an option for gaming. This may be due to most games not being able to run on Apple's operating system or the fact that the hardware was designed for everyday tasks like work or simple internet browsing. However one of their most recent models Mac models is the Mac Pro which has been advertised with superior processing to handle gaming. However, there are some problems that I've discovered while researching this product. I'll be going over them as well to support my opinion that the Mac Pro is not great for desktop gaming.

One of the first things I noticed about the Mac Pro that stuck out like a sore thumb is the price point. Most high-end gaming PCs usually cost around a couple thousand dollars, maybe lower depending on if your main focus is the processors. However, the Pro Mac costs a whopping $6000. What parts are you paying for that exactly? Well, the system can support the AMD Radeon Pro W6800X Duo GPU which sounds good on paper and seems like a good graphics card but it falls short on performance compared to other graphics cards. By other graphics cards, I don't mean like the brand new RTX 3090 which is the most powerful card on the market, I'm talking about something like the GTX 1080 that can outperform it when it came to benchmarks. The cool thing I'm willing to admit about this product is on the store page you are able to customize it to your liking, however, I feel as though the modifications you can make were not for passionate tinkerers but to simply raise up the price. You can theoretically have up to 1.5 terabytes of RAM on this computer. I'm going to be completely honest, I don't even think anyone should be able to have that much RAM as there's literally no point in having that much. Usually, a recommended amount for gaming is above 16 gigabytes of ram, and 32 is the optimal range. However, the amount it can use is way too much. Thankfully by default, it comes with the default 32 GB of ram. Hard drive memory is also quite standard as it comes with a 1 terabyte which is a pretty decent size. However, the specs are great if you plan on editing music or videos so it looks like the specs aren't that bad. However, you can find a cheaper alternative that can perform much better than this. Overall that's mainly to do with the hardware but now let's go with the overall support of it

The Mac Pro was an interesting take from Apple to make a high-end computer if they supported it. The Mac Pro had some interesting relations with Apple as they really didn't care about it as there have been stories where the product suffered an issue or was damaged in a way that was still viable for repairs by the Apple store, however, Apple refused to repair and of the devices damaged. It does seem a bit odd how Apple really pushed the specs for this computer but didn't think about what the worse could happen to this computer.

The Mac Pro was a computer in the Mac series of Apple products that had impressive specs which many could attribute to running at high graphics. However, its main usage was for video and music processing as the specs for games weren't all that breathtaking if we look at the price point. It also suffered from a lack of support from Apple which led to its eventual discontinued the computer from being available for sale. Hopefully, Apple revisits gaming PCs or high-end computers for processing media, but I think their main goal is to try and sell a 400 dollar laptop for 2 grand.

PC Pete


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