Gaming PC Components and relative information about them.

 CPU: The CPU is truly the brain of the computer, it’s easily the most important part of not only a gaming computer but computers in general. The CPU or Central Processing Unit is the processor responsible for performing the calculations that a computer will go through when it runs the various programs. Most CPUs often rely on the number of processors to process the information. More processors are recommended depending on what you plan on running. If you were to just use a simple computer then your CPU really doesn’t need 8 cores. However, if you’re developing videos or producing music then it’s the recommended amount. Thankfully that CPUs are not only so important for the computer, but are often pretty affordable as they usually cost around $150-$200. You can easily get a decent processor for a fraction of your GPU and a molecule of your computer. Some recommended brands of CPUs are Intel and AMD.

GPU: If the CPU is the brain of the computer, then the GPU is the eye providing the information we need to see the computer. The GPU or Graphical Processing Unit is responsible for processing the calculations performed by the CPU and turning them into some form of an image. This can be anything from 3D to 2D. This is commonly the most common component most people think of when it comes to building a gaming computer as it’s easily the most talked about and for good reason. The GPU is easily one of the most expensive parts of the computer since it can easily cost around half the system or more depending on how recent they are. Not to mention you may hear that games either require the latest and greatest GPUs while your favorite streamer is able to run almost any game using a GPU from ten years ago. When it comes to getting a GPU, it's recommended to get something you can afford but at the same time something you can enjoy a plethora of games. Luckily for us, GPUs may become cheaper overall as game companies are realizing that the majority of the gaming market is for people without the latest hardware, so games have been extremely playable on very low settings but end up still looking good enough that it doesn’t look melted together. Some recommended GPU (or only GPU brands) brands are Nvidia and AMD.

HDD: The HDD or the hard disk drive or hard drive is one of the main ways you store data on your computers. What makes this stand out is the fact that it uses magnets for its storage system. It also relies on moving parts for it to work. HDDs are often cheaper to get since the technology has been out for a while and you are able to store more files or data onto it. It’s best to have your HDD as somewhat of a main storage for games since it can simply contain a lot of games that you do play but aren’t too crazy on about. A good size to get for a Hard Drive is somewhere above 1 TB of data. Samsung and Seagate are some of the best hard drive brands.

RAM: RAM or Random-Access Memory is the temporary memory that computer programs rely on when displaying information or performing their calculations to run. Note that this is temporary memory as the information that’s stored there is designed to take up the storage of a program running rather than storing the information for a while. RAM is necessary for computers to run the most basic of programs. Often for gaming, it’s recommended to have somewhere from 16 GB to 32 GB of ram. While this may be somewhat scary as recommended requirements are often pricy, RAM is affordable no matter what the size is. Samsung and others are great brands to get RAM from.

SSD: The SSD or Solid-State Drive is similar to the hard drive in the fact they essentially serve the same purpose of storing data for your computer. The main difference is that SSDs usually have no moving parts as it’s somewhat of a type of flash memory. These usually result in faster speeds for executing programs or running anything on the computer. This results in the SSD being more expensive than the hard drive and since it’s a newer technology, the size of them is limited. It's recommended to have your SSD be your main drive for your operating system and other games you extensively play since they will perform much better onto it. It is possible to have your only storage system be SSDs, but it does get quite expensive, and you really can’t hold that much memory. Some good SSD brands to get are Samsung and Seagate.

Motherboard: Motherboards are somewhat the veins of the computer as they’re responsible for the interactions between the mentioned parts. Motherboards are often looked over compared to the other parts but are of equal importance. There are plenty of good motherboards, but it’s always recommended you look for a motherboard that’s tailor-made for your system. IF you want to use m.2 SSDs then it’s best that a motherboard contains some of the slots for easy access. Some good motherboard brands to get are Asus and MSI

Power Supply: The power supply is self-explanatory. It’s the main way for power to get into the computer. It’s necessary to get a power supply as it’s the only way for your computer to get plugged in. Not to mention that power supplies convert the electricity coming through the outlet in order to for the computer to get the recommended amount of energy without going overboard. Most Power supplies are good to get, and I would recommend which power supply fits with your computer case as you want to make sure you have enough room.

Cooling Fan/ System Cooling: The System Cooling unit is responsible for managing the temperature of the processors inside the computer. The most common ways to cool processors are to use fans or liquid cooling. It’s necessary to have this implemented in your computer, especially gaming computer as there are going to be some games, you’ll try that easily push the limits of your hardware. This essentially prevents or attempts to prevent your computer from reaching dangerous temperatures. High temperatures in your CPU or GPU will result in degradation of those components which results in worse performance over time. Not to mention that it may combust your computer if you don’t have the cooling properly set up. Some good brands to get cooling systems are Corsair, MSI, and Asus.


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