How to fix your games from freezing

 One common occurrence when it comes to pc gaming is the occasional freezing up of a game. This is something that a majority of people will experience, but it's important to figure out how to properly solve this from happening. Most of the time this may be due to your computer taking some extra time to load in a resource-heavy game. However, if this is occurring in games where the demand for resources isn't as much, that's where it becomes a problem. I'll be going ways to fix this issue from occurring as well as mentioning ways you can prevent this from happening.


Defragging your disks and registry is a great way to fix your games from freezing. Defragging is essentially reorganizing the data stored in your memory so that they are in the right place. Usually, if you organize/clean your house, it becomes a lot easier to do and move things inside it. Defragging is quite easy since most Windows systems have a defragging app that you can search from the start menu.

Upgrade Drives and Hardware

It's important to keep your hardware up to date in order to prevent or fix freezes in games. Luckily most of the time graphics card drivers will most likely notify you when it's time for an update. Updating your drivers is a simple way to fix freezes as the company that is responsible for making your graphics card is installing updated software for your graphics card to use. Usually, this software is able to make the most out of its limitations as a graphics card and increase its performance ten-fold. Obviously, a good option is to update the hardware that you're using since getting the brand new graphics card results in better performance than simply updating the software. However this does cost a pretty penny, so you should only really use this as a last resort.

Allocate Memory

When your game freezes it might be a result of it not having access to the needed amount of memory. This is due to having a resource-heavy program running, it usually takes up a lot of processing power to do so. Luckily a simple fix of allocating that memory can do it. One of the best ways to allocate memory is to turn off programs that are running in the background that you don't have any use for. It's pretty normal to have something running in the background whether it's an anti-virus program or a communication app, however, if you notice that you have a movie playing in the background or even another game, it will most likely take up a lot of memory. Simply disabling those apps running in the background can redirect that memory to your game. You can also set the amount of RAM that the game could take in some games which usually results in increased performances since you set the RAM in-game to the recommended amount.

Another tidbit I would like to add to prevent your games from freezing is to lower your settings for the game. This is a simple thing to do as if you lower the number of resources available on your game, your computer will be a lighter load for your processors and memory. This will come at the cost of visuals, but I believe we can all agree that gameplay is much more important. Follow these pieces of advice and you will gameplay will flow like water!

PC Pete

Source of the article that inspired this one:

Author of original article: Shane Z


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