Interview With Noah

In this post, I wanted to give my friend Noah an interview regarding our topic on PC Gaming. I mainly chose my friend Noah since he's built tons of PCs before and is my go-to guy when it came to PC Gaming. In this interview, I asked him some questions that I remember asking as well as a question or two that might appear in your mind. So let's just see what he has to say.

 What got you into building PCs?

Mostly the freedom of what games I could play. Not only could I play the latest releases but the number of emulators that can play tons of older games allow me to revisit classic titles. I also had an interest in Half-Life which at the time was strictly on the PC, so in order to do so, I started researching how to build a PC. The variety of games is also a plus since I could play any game I want and my friends had tons of options to choose from.

What are your current specs for your pc?

My current graphics card is an Nvidia RTX 2070. My current CPU is an Intel Core i7-9700k 8-Core 3.6ghz. My Current RAM is a G.Skill TrientZ With a Capacity of 32 GB. My SSD is a 970 EVO Plus with a size of 500 GB and A Samsun 860 EVO with a size of 1 TB. My Current Harddrive is a Seagate Barracuda 2 TB. With these specs, I'm able to play almost any game I want.

What are some tips you recommend to people wanting to try gaming on a pc?

Try to figure out what games you want to play and try to build around that. That's really the most important part of building a gaming PC since you want to match the specs around those games. If you don't have the budget to build a high-end pc, lower-end models are still a fun way to play since there are tons of games that don't require a lot of processing power yet are still popular and engaging. Also always try to look for deals online if you can since most of the parts can be either impossible to find or if they are available they cost an arm and a leg.

What are some of your favorite games?

I'm really a big fan of games made by Valve. Some of my favorites from them are Team Fortress 2, The Half-Life Series, Left 4 Dead, and Counter-Strike Global Offensive. It's mainly since I grew up with these games and it's what originally got me into gaming in the first place. Not to mention the thousands of hours I have in these games with my friends.

What is something you wish you knew before investing in this hobby?

Defienently the scarcity of parts was something I wish I knew about. It might be due to recent trends but graphics cards are really hard to come by nowadays. This might be due to companies or individuals making use of them so they could mine cryptocurrency or just due to the chip shortage. If I knew about this I would've put my money towards the latest releases when they came out instead of waiting.

PC Pete


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