A few reminders why it's great to game on the PC

 When it comes to gaming on a gaming pc I know that it can get daunting at times with all the new hardware that is coming out, understanding what services to get games, and missing out on the exclusives that gaming consoles have access to. However, I just want to give a few words of encouragement to those who have just started gaming on the PC. It's truly a unique way to enjoy video games that have such a grand potential in the future. With that out of the way, let's get onto our reminders on why PC gaming is so great.

The personalization of PC gaming

When it comes to gaming, nobody can beat the ability to customize your experience like a gaming desktop. You can truly design the computer of your dreams or what your wallet wants. You can choose whatever hardware you want to run any game you want. You can also personalize how your computer looks with all the accessories at your disposal, ranging from a simple mouse pad to a complex chair designed to look like a mini battle station. The possibilities are endless with a gaming PC.

The variety of games on the PC

Speaking about the accessories of a gaming PC let's talk about the games. With a PC, you have access to millions of games, a lot of them being free or cheap due to sales! You also have tons of genres on your gaming pc ranging from the twitch reactions of a shooter to the calm presence of formulating ideas in strategy games. Not to mention the countless community-made mods to experience your favorite games in a new light. Want to play some console exclusives? PC Emulating has been developed so well that you can play all of your favorite childhood games on your PC

The possibilities with a PC

I know a lot of consoles nowadays offer way more than just gaming. Often than not they recommend their systems for simple things such as Netflix or Live TV. This doesn't really come as a shocker but you can do that and do so much more on that. Want to play a game of chess while working on a spreadsheet? The PC has you covered on that. Want to listen to a youtube podcast while playing the old Mario games? The PC covers that too. Want to update Windows at inconvenient times? Well, the PC will do that sadly but at least you can create a single all-purpose machine with it!

Overall PC gaming is one of the best ways to experience gaming. For those new to gaming or still want to learn more about it, feel free to check out my blog posts and articles that give in-depth advice on multiple topics relating to gaming PCs as well as ways to personalize your experience. You also might get a rant or two or some hot takes that I have regarding this hobby. Remember to game on with great gear!

PC Pete.

Inspired by this article: https://ezinearticles.com/?4-Reasons-to-Love-Being-A-PC-Gamer&id=9596094

The original idea of the article was written by: Achal Mehrotra


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