Welcome to PC Power
How's it going? My name is PC Pete and I would like to welcome you to PC Power! I'm someone who's passionate about PC Gaming when it comes to all the techy stuff and the enjoyment of the vast amount of games at my disposal. I remember when I was younger and I started experimenting with it as I wanted to see the limits of what my old dell laptop could do and I might've set it on fire a couple of times due to some fancy Minecraft shaders. However, this experience allowed me to learn more about how to improve my experience by driving me to learn more about how to build a PC. I've been successful in that goal as now I can enjoy a good portion of games that I find align with my interests and to even further limit test without getting a visit from the fire department. I decided to open up a blog to help those who are interested in PC Gaming but have no idea where to start or those that want to hear the latest and greatest components. In this blog, I go over generally the components of a gaming pc and my recommendation for those components, as well as offer strategies to help finance your gaming pc. I also go into ways that you can personalize your experience in this hobby whether it's something as simple as a wallpaper for your desktop or an entire build that not only involves the computer but the furniture as well! If you have any questions about me or about this blog feel free to send me an email at garwoodsgaminggear@gmail.com. I hope my blog can be of use to your journey and I hope that I can help you along the way!
PC Pete
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