Linus and his tech tips

 As a writer for a blog dedicated to providing tips on how to get into pc gaming as well as ways to improve your experience, I often strive to do my best to provide relevant information on hand based on my experiences. However, I usually don't have the answer to everything, I often look online to try to find an expert's opinion on that so I could share that information with you all. One of my go-to resources for this is Linus Tech Tips as he and his team are able to provide mountains of information on this topic. Now who is Linus and why are his tech tips some of the best online? Well, I'll be more than happy to tell you.

Linus Sebastian is an online personality well known for his youtube channel Linus Tech Tips as he has made thousands of videos reviewing every piece of hardware under the sun as well as offering solutions to a multitude of problems. Linus originally got his start when he was a project manager at NCIX which is now a defunct computer hardware retailer. He was asked by them to be the host of their Youtube channel to showcase their products. Due to the costs of running the show exceeding the revenue, he was instructed by them to create a channel under his own name to reduce costs while not impacting their brand. He created the youtube channel Linus Tech Tips in the year of 2008 and it originally wasn't a focus for Linus as he worked full time for the company. After a negotiation deal with NCIX went sour, Linus created Linus Media Group in 2013 as a way to continue their channel as an independent venture. Since then the channel has garnered millions of subscribers and billions of views. It even has almost a thousand people working under the Linus Media Group and has held many events underneath the company's name.

Linus was able to get to where he is today due to many factors. One of them being that his dedication to the channel as he continued to invest more time into it reviewing the latest gaming hardware around. His curiosity about what this hardware could do was also a factor as he often did outlandish experiments to see what the hardware he was going over can do whether it was turning an Apple Mac into a gaming rig or seeing how many tabs of google chrome can a 2 terabyte RAM card. Other things to note are his smart business decisions, general passion for the topic, and appreciation for his fans.

I think Linus has definitely been an influencer for those who were interested in building computers as well as PC gaming as his down-to-earth personality was something that we could all relate to. One of the things I think we could all take away from him is willing to go the extra mile. This could be experimenting with PC Builds or doing research on hardware and its best uses. Not to mention being invested in anything you are passionate about. As Linus continues to grow his brand, I believe his channel will leave a grand impact on generations to come.


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