Gaming chairs are pretty overrated

 When it comes to building that sweet gaming setup for us we often picture a state of the art pc with all the accessories to enhance our experience on it. We see Twitch streamers with amazing accessories to add character to what they play on. However, there is one uniform trend I notice amongst gaming setups that I'm not sure is due to advertising it to kingdom come or just out of coincidence is that of the rise of the DXRacer chair. DXRacer is one of the pioneers when it comes to chairs that are designed specifically for gaming due to the number of features for comfort such as sturdy back support, pillows located on the lower back and head, armrests, and even some models coming with a retractable footrest. This has caused many companies specializing in gaming hardware such as Razer and Corsair to create their own versions. However, in my experience, I believe these accessories are overrated and somewhat defeat the idea of personalizing your setup.

DXRacer Chair Series

Example of some of the chairs DXRacer has produced

When it comes to personalization I feel like you should do whatever you please regarding how you want to create. You should be able to add whatever unique flair you please be it gaming related or not. Gaming chair companies like DXRacer have somewhat stripped that ability due to their persistent advertisement. This results in consumers thinking they need to spend around $400-$500 on a gaming chair that has more unnecessary features than ones that are actually needed. Not to mention most of these chairs stick out like a sore thumb in the room since either the special edition ones are the only ones available for purchase or the ones that are subtle enough have so many parts that it's not really a chair. There are even companies like IMPERATORWORKS that take this concept to a point where it looks like a prototype of the pods from the Matrix. It just feels like most of these features are just used to increase the price rather than to actually be beneficial for the consumer.

If I'm getting a chair like this it might as well tuck me in bed, come with wheels on the bottom and a steering wheel so I could drive around. If it could do my taxes as well that would be swell

Personally, when it comes to chairs I've found that my $100 office chair is ten times more comfortable than anything these companies have produced. It's the simplicity of the fact that I have a comfortable cushion to sit on, some decent enough armrests, and a breathable back that sells it for me. It also goes well with my room. Not to mention gaming on a sofa is a godsend. I remember when I was younger with my old laptop that playing Minecraft while just chilling on the sofa was the most comfortable I've been while gaming. Not to mention I could scooch over the desk and play a movie on my laptop while I could sit on the sofa.

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't get one of these gaming chairs. In fact, if you have the money for it and you really feel like you need the features then go on ahead. However, I encourage you to just get a regular office chair or even a lawn chair that you found on the side of the road. Not only do they have the necessary features we expect when needing a chair, but they also won't require a loan from the bank in order to afford them.

PC Pete


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