Alienware is it worth it?

 Many companies have ventured off into gaming laptops as a way for consumers to enjoy the games while still having the accessibility of a laptop. One of the most notable brands is of Dell's Alienware set of computers. These computers are pretty recognizable thanks to the little martian logo that comes with any Alienware computer. However, I'm here to throw in my two cents on why they might not be the best option out there.

Before I go into that I have some things to mention about Alienware and its position in the gaming pc market. Alienware is one of the pioneers when it came to prebuilt PCs and gaming laptops. When Alienware does something, you bet your butt dozens of companies are going to replicate what they do, and for good reason. Alienware has been often seen as a strong choice as its designs and specs are impressive. It's also one of the first brands I've heard of when it came to PC Gaming. The legacy that they created is unmatched by their competitors.

Alienware however is overrated and there are plenty of reasons why. One of the most common complaints you will see is the price. Alienware is known for overcharging their PCs not necessarily due to the specs but more of the brand image. You can pick up an Asus or MSI laptop and it will perform at the same level or even better than their Alienware X series. Their prebuilt PCs are also overcharged to something like an IBUYPOWER or HP Omen. Alienware also has some issues regarding missing parts that are common amongst other prebuilt systems such as access to an SSD, or more state-of-the-art hardware. Also cooling is often an issue as these laptops don't really have an effective way to cool off the parts which will usually result in accidentally cooking your lap as your game or internal issues for their prebuilt PC. If they do have an effective cooling system, the fans produce such a loud sound that you might as well be replacing your headset with ceiling fans rotating at the speed of sound. Even though it's revered as elegant in its sci-fi design, the laptops have been described as the material being really thin and for some reason heavy. 

After further thought, I do believe Alienware is pretty overrated as a whole. Despite their innovations, it seems like their competitors have listened to their mistakes and created far better devices at a more affordable price. I do believe Alienware can still turn this around as they address the complaints that many consumers have about their products. If you really do value the potential for innovation then Alienware might be the brand for you if you could afford it. Otherwise, if you're just like me and just want a system that can play the games I want to play, then there are plenty of other choices that do the job better and won't break your bank.


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